Sunday, January 24, 2010

Veg Pledge

This is somewhat out of the blue, but I've decided to join my wife in PETA's Vegetarian for 30 days pledge. I'm open to the idea of being vegetarian; in fact, I predict that our diet will be mostly vegetarian in the next fifty years. As I become more environmentally conscious, I've started to realize just how unhealthy our baseline lifestyle has become.

Saturday after the race and the Farmers Market, my wife Amanda and I decided to try a local Thai restaurant called Green Papaya, which you really should try if you live in the area.

I had Panang Curry with Tofu, and she had Massaman Curry (pictured), also with Tofu. As we ate, we realized that that was the third vegetarian meal we had had in a week, and that it was possible to eat out normally as a vegetarian.

Ultimately I'd like to settle on Flexitarianism, which emphasizes moderate meat consumption. I'm not ready to completely drop the mantle of meat-eater, but I'm willing to give it a go for a month.

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